Monday, April 4, 2011

It's the little things in life that count the most.

Since my last blog was so negative, I decided to blog about something positive.  This blog was inspired by a text I received today. It said "This weeks your rough week right? Good luck hang in there!" This week is pretty brutal for me and I definitely talked about how stressed I was on fb and twitter. My intentions were not for people to respond to them, but I just wanted to let out how I was feeling at those moments. I was really touched by this small gesture. It may seem to be just a sentence of encouragement, but to me it really meant much more. It's those little things in life that truly count. Sometimes people don't know I'm noticing, but I notice, and I remember.

I feel that sometimes people take things for granted, and I definitely am guilty of this. Sometimes I may seem unappreciative of things because I don't show it on the outside, but truly, I am thankful. I remember when my brother got into a football accident and broke his arm, a friend of mine came to the hospital to bring me, my mother, and my brother food with no questions asked. I know I said thank you to her then, but seriously, I'll never forget it. I also remember this past semester when I was in Hong Kong, I put on fb that I wanted someone to write to me, and a few weeks later, a letter came in the mail for me. Thank you. A morning before an exam, my friend came upstairs to my dorm room and brought me cereal to wish me good luck on my test. Thank you. There are also countless instances that have deeply touched my heart, and for that I am so grateful to have these types of people in my life.

There are also small things in my daily life that I am touched by; I guess you can say that I'm one of those people who are easily touched. I'm the kind of person that has that little "aww" in my mind when I see someone people go out of their way to help others, such as giving up a seat on the bus for the elderly or sharing an umbrella in the rain with a stranger. I am also strong believer of chivalry and sometimes it seems like it's pretty much dead. However, I have a friend who always opens the door for girls, and when I say always I mean always. I remember a time when another  friend and I were walking on the side of the road and he pulled me to the inside so that he was the one closest to the oncoming traffic. Once in a while, I'll see a guy pull out a chair at a restaurant for his girl. These gestures may be small, but the impact to me is much larger.

In the end, it's the little things in life that count the most, that mean the most, and that last the longest. People go through life thinking that the most important things are fame, success, power, and money, which are great for the moment, but honestly, they only bring temporary happiness. I believe true happiness is living your life knowing that people genuinely care about you and that there are people whom you genuinely care about as well . True happiness is a collection of memories created by the small things in life that we often take for granted. True happiness is giving more than you receive, and not asking for more in return. So the next time someone does something little for you, no matter how small, remember to tell or show them you appreciate them. Remember, a small action can go a long way, so let's start creating true happiness today.

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