Sunday, April 3, 2011

STOP! The key is NOT to care.

Seriously, why do I care about people? When all they do is screw you over in the end. I, Tiffany Lan, am done with bullshit, and definitely done with stupid people. I'm going to stop caring about people who don't care about me. I'm just going to concentrate on the good things in my life.  I have great friends, people who love me dearly and people whom I love back in return. That's enough. I feel like sometimes we are so wound up in some kind of fantasy world when we forget to appreciate what we have in our lives. I am grateful for my friends, and when I say friends, I mean my true friends: those who are there for me through thick and thin, those who appreciate me despite my imperfections, those who care about me no matter what.

People need to stop assuming stuff and stop believing rumors because most of the time, it's not true.  IT'S NOT TRUE. Stop believing stuff that you don't know about. FUCK YOU, FUCK BOYS, FUCK ALL THE PEOPLE THAT EVER SCREWED US OVER, because you know what? You guys are the reason why it's great to be fuckin single.

Maybe I drank a little tonight, maybe I'm not in the best state of mind to be writing a blog right now, but who the fuck cares. Everything I said is from my heart. Everything I said is what I wanted to say, so dammit, I'm just gonna say it. When I graduate I hope to never speak to these kinds of people again. I will only stay in contact to those who mean anything to me. Goodbye losers. I'm done, I'm over it. I'm moving on with my life.

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